Hi, How Are You?

2 min readMay 4, 2022

If you have spent time in Austin, Texas — or are a devoted follower of late 1980s underground lo-fi rock — you’ve likely come across this image.

A picture of the famous Hi, How Are You mural in Austin, TX

For those uninitiated, it’s a famous mural, with a famous origin, and famous fans. It’s also part of a museum exhibit, and an annual celebration of the life and legacy of its creator.


But it has a deeper meaning.

This frog is named Jeremiah the Innocent and he serves as a reminder to check in on a neighbor, friend, co-worker, family member or loved one and ask, “Hi, How Are You?”

Through my position as an advisory board member for the SIMS Foundation I’ve witnessed first hand how important and meaningful these types of simple check ins are to members of my community across the music and entertainment industry — one hit hard by the pandemic and facing an all out health crisis.

I’ve also personally experienced the meaning of people checking in as I continue to deal with Long Covid, a year and a half in.

So today, I extend this beyond my immediate community and family and friends, and say to all of you “Hi, How Are You?

You don’t have to answer or share anything if you are not comfortable with that, but at the very least take a moment to reflect on how you’re doing today, and perhaps use those simple words with others you care about.

- Coate

Some Resources




Mental health advocate | Music industry vet | Marketing Leader | Learning to live with LongCovid | Views my own