Life with #LongCovid: An unfiltered look, 10 months in

Oct 14, 2021

I often get these “waves” where my energy just suddenly collapses, my ears start ringing, I get dizzy, my mood darkens, and aches & shakes take over my whole body.

Man sleeping on couch with dog at his feet

I liken it to a cartoon where a character steps on a puddle expecting solid ground underneath but it’s actually a lake and they fall in over their head.

Sometimes these waves last a few minutes, sometimes a few hours. It’s not fun, but I’m grateful to have a job that allows me to put my health first in these moments, for a wife & dogs who know when I’m not at my best & care for me, & for people who check in. Oh and for cold brew.

Protect your community, protect your loved ones, protect yourself. Get vaccinated. Talk to someone if you’re struggling. Take care.

Man asleep on couch with dog in his arms




Mental health advocate | Music industry vet | Marketing Leader | Learning to live with LongCovid | Views my own