Life with #LongCovid: A small moment of gratitude

1 min readOct 14, 2021

I’ve shared a bit recently the stark reality of life with Long Covid, the significant physical and mental health struggles that accompany that, and my gratitude for those helping me through it.

I believe in talking about the tough things in life openly and honestly with ourselves and others. Acknowledging and embracing hardships also helps us begin to understand how we can learn from and be refined by them.

But I do also believe in celebration of the not-as-tough times. We could all use a bit more of that these days.

This morning I managed to “run” a few miles with the girls without stopping. It wasn’t fast or feeling great but I did it. Along the way we enjoyed cool weather, a beautiful sunrise, and chasing lizards & rabbits.

It’s not often I’ve had the strength to get up & do this over the past 10 months, but today I did and I’m celebrating that.

Your turn.

What or who would you like to acknowledge and celebrate in your life today?




Mental health advocate | Music industry vet | Marketing Leader | Learning to live with LongCovid | Views my own